Bagel Shack (Restaurants) in Alameda
Full information about Bagel Shack in Alameda: address, opening hours, phone, fax, email, website. Bagel Shack on the map, description and reviews.
Contact details of Bagel Shack:
Bagel Shack opening hours:
Sunday: 5:30AM to 2:30PM
Monday: 5:30AM to 2:30PM
Tuesday: 5:30AM to 2:30PM
Wednesday: 5:30AM to 2:30PM
Thursday: 5:30AM to 2:30PM
Friday: 5:30AM to 2:30PM
Saturday: 5:30AM to 2:30PM
EditReviews about Bagel Shack:
About Bagel Shack:
Bagels, Coffee in Dana Point, CA
Bagels, Coffee, Sandwiches, Breakfast, Lunch, Latte, Smoothies, Catering, Acai, Lox
Restaurants nearest to Bagel Shack:
Saim khan Alameda, Restaurants; 680 Clay St, Alameda, CA, 94111; 020-771-5710